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 24 May 2020

Knowledge Ipinge


WALVIS Bay urban constituency councillor Knowledge Ipinge has urged the community not to panic after reports of a positive Covid-19 case at the town.

A truck driver who reportedly escaped from the company quarantine facility last week tested positive for the virus today.

“The truck driver who tested positive is now in a state of quarantine, meaning that the person should remain under isolation until the Ministry of Health and Social Services determines there's no longer a risk of secondary transmission to other community members. This notion that the truck drivers snuck out from the remains unclear and the authorities are currently busy tracing all contacts and this process is ongoing,” Ipinge said.

He advised anyone who came in close contact with the truck driver to self-quarantine with immediate effect.

“This truck driver was initially quarantined for two days at the FP du Toit Transport depots in Windhoek and Walvis Bay after his arrival from South Africa via the Buitepost border post on the Trans Kalahari Highway.

“These are the same facilities where he has been sharing public utilities such as toilets and the kitchen with his colleagues including external service providers,” explained Ipinge.

The driver and his colleague were moved to the Walvis Bay state hospital isolation facility where they met other two truck drivers from another company, including the one whose test results were inconclusive in Zambia.

Ipinge says he has asked the Ministry of Health to move the other truck the driver who tested negative to an alternative quarantine facility.

The councillor says he is waiting for the transport company to submit to him its Covid-19 action response plan as part of the investigations.

The Namibian understands that the two men had been in contact with the public as the company had granted them permission to visit the banks as well as take a truck to the maintenance workshop.

It is not clear if they were briefed on the quarantine regulations.

SOURCE: The Namibian