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 12 May 2020


12 May 2020

Maersk Sheerness the largest vessel ever to dock in Namibia
Namport welcomes the biggest vessel ever in the history of Namibia

Namport Acting CEO Mr Kavin Harry speaking at the historical moment when the Maersk Sheerness, which is the largest vessel to ever dock at the Port of Walvis Bay, called for the first time.

The Namibian Ports Authority received the largest vessel to ever dock in Namibian waters. The 335.41 meters long, 43.16 meters bean and a 7500 TEU capacity Maersk Sheerness, which is similar to a 9000 TEUs class vessel, called along the Port of Walvis Bay on 24 April 2020 and departed on the same day.

The arrival of this vessel is of great significance, not only to the Ports Authority but to the entire country, as this is not only consistent with our values and drive to becoming Africa's Number 1 Port Authority but also places Namibia in a more competitive position as it now can accommodate bigger vessels.

The shipping industry has over the past months adopted a new modus operandi of using bigger vessels as opposed to multiple small vessels to transport cargo. This is in the aim of saving operational costs and consolidation of resources.

For the entity to be able to compete with other ports, Namport last year officially inaugurated its state of the art New Container Terminal valued at N$4 billion and it is due to this that the country is now in a position to accommodate such large vessels.

In addition, a milestone of this nature shows the significance of Namport’s investment into the future by equipping and preparing its staff members with the required skills for similar jobs ahead of time.

The plans to bring Maersk Sheerness started mid last year and it is indeed a historic achievement which is worthy of celebration.

Namport and stakeholders set up a truck port for
truck drivers

Mr Kavin Harry, Namport Acting CEO, Hon. Neville Andre, Erongo Regional Governor, Alderman Immanuel Wilfried, Major of Walvis Bay and Mr Cedric Williams, BIP Container Terminal

The temporal Isolation Truck Port facility was officially opened on 05 May 2020, in Walvis Bay by the Hon. Neville Andre, Governor of the Erongo region. The setup of the truck port which was facilitated by the Namibian Ports Authority is a realization of combined efforts from various stakeholders.


The Truck Port which is as a result of combined efforts from various stakeholders from the town of Walvis Bay aims to provide a conducive place for truck drivers to be screened for the COVID-19 virus by taking their body temperatures and providing health education for the truckers. The screenings will be conducted by the Walvis Bay Corridor Group in their mobile clinic.


The setting up of this place would not have been possible without the joint venture between the Namibian Ports Authority, Walvis Bay Municipality, BIP Container Terminal, Transport companies, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Customs and Excise Division under the Ministry of Finance, the Namibian Police and the Walvis Bay Corridor Group (WBCG).


Speaking at the event, Acting Chief Executive Officer of Namport, Mr Kavin Harry said “due to the fact that the Government acknowledged and declared the transport and logistics sector as essential services during the period of the lock down, the key


players in the logistics sector decided to compliment government’s efforts by setting up this facility”.


The 60000 mof land owned by BIP Container Terminal where the truck port is set up on will be managed by the BIP Company Terminal with the assistance of the WBCG under the watchful eye of local law enforcers.  


On his part, Hon. Andre once again pledged his support to the logistics fraternity and reiterated on the importance of adhering to the health requirements outlined by the World Health Organization and the Namibian Government.


The drivers who will be accommodated for a period of seven days at the facility for the duration of their trip in Namibia are expected to only enter the town of Walvis Bay when delivering their consignment and return to their temporary accommodation at the truck port. This restriction of movement is a way of minimizing the truckers from getting into contact with the local community in these uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Speaking at the opening, Honourable Immanuel Winfred, Mayor of the Port City of Walvis Bay said thanked all truck drivers for their commitment to serving the Namibian nation during this trying times and further urged the truckers to optimally make use of the newly opened truck port.


No trucks will be allowed to park within the town of Walvis Bay unless they are stationed at their respective depots. This new development will also create job opportunities for local vendors in the food industry as they will be required to cater for the truck drivers by running a tuckshop on the site.

Four maiden calls to the Port of Walvis Bay

The Namibian Ports Authority is pleased to announce four maiden calls expected to dock during May. The schedule for these vessels are as follows:

  • Kota Ganding – 11 May 2020
  • MSC Augusta – 14 May
  • ALS Apollo – 21 May
  • Merkur Fjord – 27 May

In line with curbing the spread of the COVID-19 virus as well as being in compliance with health regulations, all vessels that dock at the Namibian Ports Authority must go through stringent health requirements before any operation is conducted on the vessel.

WHO Advice on the use of masks in the context of

