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 09 Apr 2020


09 April 2020

Port Operations During COVID-19 Lock Down

Against the escalating global and national impact of COVID-19 on the Namibian nation, the President of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Dr Hage G Geingob, declared a State of Emergency on 17 March 2020. The State of Emergency consisted of urgent and aggressive measures aimed at containing the spread of the COVID-19 in our community.

Subsequent to the declaration of the State of Emergency, on the 24th March 2020, the President announced further measures for the sole purpose of protecting the health, security and safety of the Namibian People. Amongst such measures are; the lockdown of Khomas and Erongo Regions and requiring all Government employees as well as those in the State-Owned Enterprises and other private companies to operate from home for fourteen (14) days from 27 March 2020, with the exception of those providing critical or essential services.


In response to the declaration of a State of Emergency by President of the Republic of Namibia and consistent with the urgent need to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the following work arrangements will apply at various departments of Namport and came into effect on Friday, 27 March 2020 at midnight:

  • a) Entrance to Namport buildings will be limited to ten (10) people and clients are required to maintain at least one (1)-meter distance while queuing for service. Hand sanitizers are provided at our entrances and will be administered by security personnel at each entrance.


  • b) Namport customer care desk and revenue division will operate as normal from 08h00 to 17h00 with reduced staff numbers.


  • c) Marine, Port Security and Port Control will continue to operate with full staff complement and normal shift patterns will be maintained.


  • d) The Syncrolift and Terminal Planning Divisions have shut down operations at 16h30 on Friday, 27 March 2020 for a period of fourteen (14) days. Syncrolift employees will remain at home and on standby for potential emergencies.


  • e) Our normal three (3) shifts four (4) panel operations will remain in force at the container terminal and equipment and human resources deployment will be reduced accordingly.


  • f) Current berthing window arrangements will temporarily cease and all vessels will be handled on a first come first serve basis. Namport may at its sole discretion deviate from this arrangement to give preference to vessels carrying emergency supplies.


  • g) Break Bulk Operations will be limited to two vessels at any given time and human and equipment resources will be reduced accordingly.


  • h) Import and export deliveries will be accommodated during normal working hours but special consideration will be given to emergency supplies during this period.


  • i) Port activities in Lüderitz will be limited to two (2) working vessels at any given time and equipment and human resources will be reduced accordingly.


For queries, call our Switchboard on Tel:+264642082111 or email


Clients are encouraged to make use of EFT payments into the following account number:

Account Name

Namibian Ports Authority

Bank Name

Bank Windhoek

Account Number


Account Type

Cheque Account


Walvis Bay

Branch Code





All Commercial related matter and queries will be dealt with on merit and priority.


The above terms and conditions came in effect on Friday, 27 March 2020 at 00h00 and will be applicable until 17 April 2020 at 07h00. Please note that it may be extended subject to any further declarations and/or amendments to the current State of Emergency.   


We implore upon all of us of the need to strictly abide by the national health protocols and social distancing requirements so that we can all jointly fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus.


Kindly and urgently, share this information with your clients and stakeholders immediately.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind us that good Hand Hygiene is ultimately the best measure to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

Best regards,

Kavin Harry
Acting Chief Executive Officer


Namport contributes to the fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic in Namibia

In the photo: Sitting: Namport’s Acting Finance Executive: Mr Mervin van Wyk
Standing from LtoR: Namport’s HR Executive: Dr Felix Musukubili, Senior Nurse Manager: Ms Debbie Somaes, Acting Commercial Executive from Namport, Mr Elias Mwenyo, Dr Ntinda, Acting Senior Medical Officer at the Walvis Bay State Hospital, Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr Kavin Harry of Namport, Dr Amir Shaker, Chief Medical Officer of the Erongo Region

The Namibian Ports Authority has decided to step up and heed the call from our National Leadership, as well as the office of the Governor of Erongo Region, Regional Councilors, the Mayor of Walvis Bay and Health Authorities to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, declared a global health crisis by the World Health Organization earlier this month. 

Therefore, Namport, through its Social Investment Fund, NSIF, on Wednesday, 01 April 2020 donated  20 mobile toilets to the Twaloloka informal settlement in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, valued at N$ 74,520.00. The mobile toilets will be stationed at an identified location in the community for the duration of the lockdown. The donation is in response to the request from the Office of the Walvis Bay Rural Councilor.

Speaking at the handover, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr Kavin Harry said that “the country is facing an unknown enemy and it is the duty of each and every entity to contribute to this fight, as resources permit”.


Namport has also purchased medical equipment and supplies valued at N$ 105,000.00 towards the COVID-19 isolation and treatment facility being set up in Walvis Bay at the town’s State Hospital. This includes machines, protective gear and cleaning materials.

Mr Harry also added, "We will continue to monitor the requirements throughout the progression of the pandemic and within our means, do our best to continue to contribute towards the national efforts to combat COVID – 19 virus". 

As an entity, Namport continues to work closely with the health authorities and all other relevant offices and according to the Acting CEO, the Ports Authority will not put its staff members and clients at risk as their safety remains our top priority at all times.

In closing, Mr Harry strongly urges everyone to comply with all the set national guidelines and regulations for the 21-day lockdown period. "Let’s stay at home and practice social distancing".

What can people do to protect themselves and others from getting the new coronavirus?
(World Health Organization Resources)

