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 19 Nov 2019

In the early morning hours of 17 November 2019 the Queen Elizabeth passenger vessel docked at the passenger terminal of the Namibian Ports Authority. The vessel that was carrying 1915 passengers and 998 crew members came from Santa Cruz de Tenerife and made a 9 hour stop at the Port of Walvis Bay, giving the passengers a chance to disembark the vessel and visit local tourist attractive places in and around Walvis Bay.

The nine year old vessel is sailing under the flag of Bermuda and is heading to the port of Cape Town in South Africa.  

Caption: The Queen Elizabeth vessel arriving at the Port of Walvis Bay


Caption: Namport rolled out the red carpet for the guests


The amount of passenger liners received at the Namibian Ports Authority have increased significantly over the past three financial reporting periods respectively as follows: 27 liners, 31 liners, 33 liners.

So far the entity has hosted 11 cruise liners in its current financial year and is thrilled to report that the frequency of passenger vessels visits have increased considerably since the commissioning of the dedicated passenger liner in August 2019. The Ports Authority looks forward to the arrival of 7 cruise liners during the month of January 2020 amounting to 10,000 visitors during this period.

Below is the schedule for the rest of the vessels that will be visiting the town of Walvis Bay via Namport.

  • 30 November 2019 at 08h00 Albatros
  • 19 December 2019 at 10h00 Aidamira
  • 02 January 2020 at 08h00 Aidamira
  • 12 January 2020 at 07h00 Artania
  • 14 January 2020 at 07h00 MSC Ochestra
  • 16 January 2020 at 09h00 Aidamira
  • 19 January 2020 at 07h00 MSC Ochestra
  • 25 January 2020 at 06h45 Marco Polo
  • 30 January 2020 at 09h00 Aidamira

Namport - Africa’s Express Hub to International Markets