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 15 Nov 2019

Congratulations are in order as Namport consecutively received its 15th year accreditations from the International Standards Organizations (ISO). This is following a successful external audit that was conducted by the South African based National Quality Assurance (NQA) representing the Global Certification Body based in the United Kingdom.

The external auditors covered the ISO 9001 Standard (Quality Management System), the ISO 14001 Standard (Environmental Management System) and the ISO 45001 Standard (Health and Safety Management System) and as a result conferring Namport with the positive report on all three standards.

The Acting Chief Executive Officer of Namport, Mr Kavin Harry said that “the importance of this achievement cannot be underestimated especially the impact it has on reassuring our esteemed customers on the quality and safety of our services rendering at our ports. It is therefore, only befitting that I, on behalf of the Executive management team convey our heartfelt appreciation for the great work displayed by all Namport employees resulting into this great achievement”, he said.

Some of the benefits of receiving these accreditations are:

  • To provide senior management with an efficient management process;
  • To set out areas of responsibility across the organisation;
  • To communicate a positive message to staff and customers;
  • To identify and encourage more efficient and time saving processes;
  • To reduce costs and
  • To provide continuous assessment and improvement.

The certification is valid for three years, while surveillance audits are conducted annually to determine compliance to the ISO standards.

Namport - Africa’s Express Hub to International Markets

SOURCE: Namport