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 05 Jun 2018

WINDHOEK Namibia (Xinhua) -- Namibia translocated 205 wild animals to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for tourism and nature education purposes, according to an official.

The animals will be released into strictly non-hunting reserves in the DRC and the children from Kinshasa will be able to see non-indigenous animals for the first time, said Immanuel Hanabeb, Acting Commercial Executive at Namibia Ports Authority on Thursday.

Hanabeb said the decision of translocation was made following experts consultations in the industry.

The animals comprise of nyala, eland, impala, hartebeest, oryx and waterbuck, which were captured on various game farms in Namibia while the blesbuck was imported from South Africa.

The translocation was done by Wildlife Vets Namibia, a company with years of wildlife veterinary experience in game capture and translocations in the country.