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 22 Jan 2018


Classroom knowledge meets practical knowledge, this became a reality today when the Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) and Namibia Training Authority (NTA) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) which will ensure that Namibian citizens who receive training from the Training Authority will be attached to Namport for practical exposure in fields that are business related to Namport.

Speaking at the event, Mr Bisey /Uirab, CEO of Namport indicated that as a medium player in the Transport and Logistics industry not only in Namibia but throughout the entire SADC region and indeed in Africa, Namport needs to ensure that skills are sharpened at all levels hence the importance of such partnerships with NTA today.

Namport’s CEO further thanked NTA and its management for reviving practices were entities such as Namport can reap from those trained at NTA.

As an institution, Namport over the past few years has embarked on developing its own human resource in different specializations such as in the fields of Maritime Law, Piloting, and Marine Engineering etc. 

Speaking at the same ceremony, CEO of NTA Mr Jerry Beukes said that this agreement aims at supporting current efforts of the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation and for the NTA to establish a viable and sustainable well integrated policy of its VET. He further said that, the signing of such an agreement will yield tremendous results for both the Namport and NTA as entities.