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Welcome to Namport Procurement

In this era of globalisation where the use of information technology is widespread, Namport is keen to move towards e-Procurement. The benefits through the implementation of automated systems and processes are widespread in terms of efficiency of the procurement process including reduction of procurement time cycle and procurement process costs. It is also in line with the philosophy of sustainable procurement. In this endeavour Namport has made a first step towards e-Procurement. Thus now and onwards prospective bidders will be able to view bidding information and documentation on the procurement portal. Features such as current and future bidding opportunities and even download bidding documents where permitted, viewing of evaluation reports and awards made are now available.

Namport procurement is conducted in line with the requirements and authorizations contained in the Public Procurement Act 2015, (Act No 15 of 2015) (“the Act”), Public Procurement Regulations 2015 (“PPR") as well as related guidelines, procedures and circulars as issued by the Government of the Republic of Namibia from time to time.

We hope that you will have an excellent procurement experience with Namport.

Procurement Management Unit


DISCLAIMER: Please note that all future communication from Namport regarding the bid(s) will be channelled through the contact details provided by the Bidder during the bid registration process. The Bidder guarantee’s that the contact details provided by it during the bid registration process are valid and accurate. Namport therefore accepts no liability for any information transmitted by it using the contact details as provided by the Bidder in the event that such information fails to reach the intended recipient(s) for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to the Bidder’s provision of incorrect contact information or non-compliance with the bidding instructions.